In this passage, Paul presents to us one of the fundamental doctrines of the New Testament, the doctrine of reconciliation, that human beings have been reconciled to God, that the […]
In Hebrews 11, the Bible tells us what faith is, it is the “substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things unseen”. In our previous post, we examined the […]
In our previous two posts, we have seen in James that faith is a verb, it always produces action, and faith that does not act is not saving faith. We […]
Our first post has shown James’ assertion that saving faith is not merely a mental activity, but must include action, we must act on what we “believe” and if we […]
In this passage, James describes for us two kinds of “faith”, telling us that there is a faith that saves and a faith that does not, and explaining to us […]
In this passage, Jesus goes to John the Baptist to be baptized by John (verse 13). In verse 14, John tries to deter Jesus, telling Him that “I need to […]
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