As we continue in our study of Hebrews 10, we now come upon the climax of the first section of the chapter, verse 14. This verse reads as follows in […]
As we examine these verses, we come upon a passage in which the biblical paradigm for speaking on different “levels” and to different issues in the same passage can be […]
In our previous post, we examined the fact that all believers in Christ are saints, that our new identity in Christ is one of being a saint and no longer […]
As we begin our study of this portion of 1 John 5, we begin with a statement by John telling us clearly what his primary purpose is in writing this […]
In this familiar story, we find the account of Jacob “wrestling” with God. This story is often understood as an example of persevering prayer, of Jacob “prevailing” in prayer due […]
The passage at hand is one which is often interpreted as Jesus promising to remove all “burdens” from those who come to him, as the promise of a life of […]
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