In Ephesians 1:7, Paul tells us that in Christ “we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins”. Just what does it mean that we have “redemption”, what is […]
In Hebrews 6:19, we are told that true biblical hope serves as an “anchor for the soul”. This means our hope is “in” something, it is attached to and grounded […]
In this passage, Paul refers to the church at Corinth as worldly rather than spiritual. He begins here by telling the Corinthians that “I could not address you as spiritual […]
As Christians, our desire is to be “in God’s will, to be living out His will and His plan for our lives. The questions which naturally arise for each of […]
We now turn to our examination of the phrase “enriched in every way”, and we find Paul telling us three things about our enrichment: 1) who has been enriched 2) […]
In this passage, Paul tells us that we as believers have been “enriched in every way”. We will examine this passage in some detail in order to determine just what […]
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