We resume our examination of 2Corinthians 5:14-21 at verse 18, where Paul tells us that all he has previously mentioned (compelled by Christ, new worldview, new creation) is from God. […]
The Christian life is esentially a process of becoming what we are. In 2 Corinthians 5, Paul tells us that we are righteous in Christ, and because we are righteous […]
John here strongly admonishes believers not to “love the world”. What exactly does John mean by this, what is it to love the world according to John? We begin by […]
In our previous post, we saw that we have been given resurrection power to live as new creations, and the corollary to this is that the “old man” must “die” […]
In this passage, Paul describes for us how the enemy seeks to take us captive through a “philosophy”, a way of looking at the world, a way of interpreting reality. […]
In our previous post, we examined, from Romans 3:4, the connection between truth and morality, that this verse tells us that how we determine truth impacts what we see as […]
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