Choosing Truth- Genesis 3

In our previous post, we examined, from Romans 3:4, the connection between truth and morality, that this verse tells us that how we determine truth impacts what we see as […]

What is Truth?- John 18:37-38

In this passage, Pilate asks a very famous question of Jesus: “What is truth”? In Pilate’s question, the word translated “what” is the Greek interrogative “tis”. This is a very […]

A Lesson in Fruit Bearing (Part Two)- John 15:1-17

In verse 8, Jesus tells us that our bearing fruit is to the “Father’s glory”. What He means by this is the key to understanding this passage as an explanation […]

A Lesson in Fruit Bearing (Part One)- John 15:1-17

Through an illustration about a vine and branches, Jesus here gives a lesson on fruit bearing, telling us both how to bear fruit and what it means to bear fruit. […]

A Prayer of Contrition (Part Three)- Psalm 51

In verse 10, David continues his plea for transformation, then makes mention of what he would like that transformation to produce in his life. He asks God to create in […]

A Prayer of Contrition (Part Two)- Psalm 51

David continues his prayer, in verse 3, by acknowledging his failings and shortcomings, by taking responsibility for his actions. He here recognizes and admits his rebellion and also admits that […]

Pure Spiritual Milk

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