As we continue in our study of 1 Peter 5, we now come upon verse 6, in which Peter tells believers to “Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that […]
In this passage, Peter has been giving instructions to the elders, or leaders, of the church. He then, in the verse at hand, provides instruction for the leaders and those […]
Having informed us of the necessity of offering our bodies as living sacrifices, ready and willing to do the will of the Father just as Jesus was, the writer of […]
In this passage, the writer compares the sacrifices of the Old and New covenants, and focuses on the differing results each have in the lives of those who participate in […]
In Paul’s letter to the Galatians, he is dealing with a specific issue. The church in Galatia had been infiltrated by a group known as the Judaizers. This group was […]
In our previous post, we saw that our reconciliation to God, made possible by Christ on the cross, makes it possible us to live life as God intends, life united […]
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