Biblical Freedom- Galatians 2:1-6

In our previous post we examined Paul’s explanation of the freedom we have in Christ. We saw how we have been set free from our search for meanìng and purpose, […]

Biblical Freedom- 2 Corinthians 3:17-18

The concept of freedom, in the New Testament, is not based upon a worldly understanding of freedom, but on the Old Testament understanding of freedom, which is exemplified through the […]

Live Out Your Identity- 1 Corinthians 6:9-11

In the sixth chapter of 1 Corinthians, Paul is chastising believers in the Corinthian church for instigating lawsuits against each other. He is criticizing them for acting like unbelievers, criticizing […]

More Than Conquerors- Romans 8:37

We have already seen, in our previous post, how when Paul tells us we are “more than conquerors” he does not mean that we overcome every mountain or obstacle in […]

More Than Conquerors- Romans 8:37

In this verse, Paul creates a word in Greek to describe our position as believers relative to the difficulties and obstacles of life. This word is hupernikao, a compound word […]

We Share in His Glory?- Romans 8:17

In this passage, Paul tells believers here that it has been made possible for us to share in the glory of Christ. What could he possibly mean by this, what […]

Pure Spiritual Milk

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